You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.6. Inventory - Goods Received > Entering Goods Received Lines > Enter Goods Received Line - Inquiry
Enter Goods Received Line - Inquiry

Use this option to inquire on item details, alternate parts, alternate suppliers, or display the full Item Inquiry screen for a goods received line.

  1. Display the Enter Goods Received Line screen.

Refer to "Entering Goods Received Lines".

  1. To perform an inquiry on item details, select INQUIRY | ITEM DETAIL.

Micronet displays the Item Detail screen.

Much of this information is similar to information found on the Item Inquiry screen – see "Displaying the Item Inquiry Screen" for more information.

  1. To perform an inquiry on alternate parts, select INQUIRY | ALT PARTS.

Micronet displays the Enter Alternate Parts screen showing stock on hand.

For information on this screen, see "Inquiry - Alt/Parts".

  1. To perform an inquiry on alternate suppliers, select INQUIRY | ALT SUPPLIER.

Micronet displays the Enter Alternate Suppliers screen.

This screen displays the same information as the Item Update screen - Supplier tab. For information, refer to "File - Inventory - Supplier".

  1. To perform a full item inquiry, select INQUIRY | INQUIRY.

Micronet displays the Item Inquiry screen from which you can conduct many different inquiries on the item.

This is the same screen you access via the Sales Desk Inquiries program – see "Displaying the Item Inquiry Screen".

  1. When you have finished your inquiry, close the inquiry screen.

Micronet redisplays the Enter Goods Received Line screen.